The Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Assocation is happy to present the 2024 Virtual Conference.
This virtual conference consists of a nine course, one stop shop, that come to a total of 31 Professional Deveolpment Hours (PDH) before this year's renewal period. The Art of Retracement (2 PDHs) Easements and Rights of Way (5 PDHs) Best Practices for GNSS Surveying (4 PDHs) Illinois Court Cases Involving Land Surveyors (2 PDHs) Illinois Court Cases Involving Water, Water Boundaries, and Riparian Rights (2 PDHs) Illinois Court Cases Related to the Unwritten Transfer of Land (3 PDHs) Ethics, Professional Conduct and Ethical Dilemmas (2 PDHs) Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (1 PDH) Statutes & Standards (2 PDHs)
Presented by: Dick Bales, Senior Underwriting Consultant and Counsel (4 PDHs) Statutes and Standards Topics: Public Use of the DuPage River Working with the Developer of Riparian Land Attorney Comments: Adding Survey Notes to a Plat of Survey The Plat of Consolidation Who Owns a Driveway? Appellate Court Cases and Illinois Supreme Court Cases Concerning -Encroachments and Building Line Violations Title Company Encroachment Endorsements and Building Line Violation Endorsements “Risky” Encroachments Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions: A New Look at an Old Subject The Reserved Future Right-of-Way Certificates of Correction Justice Cooley and Property Lines in Illinois The Conflict between the Plat Act and Subdivision Control Ordinances Vacating Plats, Easements, Roads, and Building Lines More Survey-Related Title Policy Endorsements “As Shown on the Plat of Survey” v. “And Shown on the Plat of Survey” Illinois Mechanics Lien Law for the Land Surveyor Urbaitis v. Commonwealth Edison, 143 Ill. 2nd 458, 575 N.E. 548 (1991)
On Friday Aug. 6, 2023, Gov. Pritzker signed SB 1079 into law making it Public Act 102-0308. The bill removes the PDH requirement for sexual harassment prevention training (SHPT), but still requires licensed personnel to show proof of SHPT when they renew their license.
Following a series of high-profile sexual harassment cases both nationally and in the state, a 2019 law required licensed personnel to have 1 PDH of SHPT in order to renew their license and required all Illinois employers to provide SHPT to their employees annually. Gov. Pritzker's signature of SB 1079 eliminates the duplicative requirement and now allows licensed professionals to show participation in an employer’s annual sexual harassment prevention training as proof of training when renewing a license with IDFPR.
Retired licensees will still need to obtain SHPT elsewhere in order to renew their licenses.
IPLSA offers a 1-hour training course to meet the SHPT requirement for license renewal. This training provides an overview of sexual harassment in and out of the workplace. It identifies four main objectives:
Define sexual harassment, including its forms and types;
Identify how to respond if you experience or witness unwelcome sexual harassment;
Identify how to report sexual harassment within your place of employment and to outside entities such as the Illinois Department of Human Rights; and
Understand whistleblower protections.
A post-assessment will follow this training. Approximate time to complete the training course is 1 hour. Approximate time needed to complete the post-test is 10 minutes.
A deep dive into preparing your surveying or engineering firm to comply with new Davis-Bacon regulations. Acquire insights on best practices from our legal professionals, which include Andy Martone from Martone Legal, and hear from firms that have already implemented these changes.
The Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Association (IPLSA) and the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) have partnered with labor attorney Andy Martone of Martone Legal to provide the latest information on the new Davis-Bacon Act changes and how those changes apply to the surveying profession. For many years, survey firms and their crews were not subject to the requirements of Davis-Bacon; the newly adopted rules surrounding the Act have removed those exemptions. These rules went into effect on Oct. 23, and firms face major penalties and fines if violations occur, even if unintentional. Andy Martone is widely regarded as a leading expert on the Davis-Bacon Act. This webinar is especially valuable to firm owners, HR professionals, and those who respond to RFPs for their firms. Please note: This webinar does not qualify for PDHs.