The land surveying profession generously supports its students. Each year thousands of dollars in scholarships are available for college students pursuing a career in the surveying profession. You can learn more here. If you would like more information, printed materials to distribute to your class, or to request an in-class presentation, contact the IPLSA office at (217) 528-3053 or [email protected].
Boy Scouts Merit Badge The Boy Scouts of America offers a Surveying Merit Badge. Scouts will learn how land is measured and how it is described so that others can find boundary lines. They use measuring instruments, apply mathematics, operate computing equipment, and create a survey map.
For information about Surveying Merit Badge events in central Illinois, contact Todd Horton via email or at 217-373-3785.
For information about Surveying Merit Badge events in northern Illinois, contact Kory Allred via email or at 815-753-0631 or Jeff Pauk via email or at 618-973-2361.
Teaching Tools Illinois land surveyors are grateful for vocational agriculture teachers who teach basic surveying skills in our high schools. We encourage you to use the resources below in the class room. We appreciate your partnership in teaching the next generation of surveyors.