55 ILCS 5/1-1002, 5/1-1003, 5/1-1004;
5/5-1036, 5/5-1037, 5/5-1041, 5/5-1042, 5/5-1043, 5/5-1044 & 5/5-1074 These sections provide that county boundaries shall as now established until changed by law. Any county bounded by the Mississippi, Ohio or Wabash shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the state of that river to the extent it is so bounded. Each county boarding Lake Michigan shall have jurisdiction easterly to the state line. A county board may vacate or rename any town plats upon a petition by those residing there, provided, such town plat is not within the corporate limits of any town, village or city. Any county may establish subdivision regulations for area not within the corporate limits of any town, village, or city. These regulations may include water main and sanitary facilities. In counties of less than 1,000,000 a county may employ a firm or person to perform survey work to obtain the location of commercial enterprises within the county. |
55 ILCS 5/3-5018
This section provides for certain fees for the elected recorder to record documents including deeds, other instruments, liens, mortgages, release of mortgages, leases and assignments. This section also provides standards for documents to be recorded. |
55 ILCS 5/3-5027
This section establishes the legal authority for elected recorders in counties less than 1,000,000 to implement a real estate index number system. The index number system shall describe the township, section, block, and parcel and lot number. |
55 ILCS 5/3-5028
This section establishes the legal authority for the elected recorder in counties less than 1,000,000 to create a map making department with the authority of the county board. |
55 ILCS 5/3-5029
This section provides for a $200.00 penalty for any person who offers or presents for recording any map, plat or subdivision of land which does not have the seal of a Registered Illinois Land Surveyor. Additionally all plats, maps, and subdivision of land must have thereon the certificate of an Illinois Registered Land Surveyor and must show any areas located within a special flood hazard area identified by the Federal Emergency management Agency. |
55 ILCS 5/3-5037
This section requires elected recorders to re-record records which have been destroyed by fire or other casualty in any county. The fee for re-recording documents shall be no more than $.05 per 100 words or fraction thereof. |
55 ILCS 5/4-12002
This section provides for certain fees for the recorder to record certain documents in counties of the third class. |
55 ILCS 5/4-12003
This section provides for certain fees for the county clerk to perform certain duties and issue certain licenses and permits in counties of the third class. |
55 ILCS 5/5-1108 Through 1109
This section explains additional duties of recorders in counties with populations of less than 1,000,000. |
55 ILCS 5/5-14001 Through 14007
These sections establish the legal authority for counties to create regional planning commissions and regional plans. Counties may also establish a joint regional planning commission and joint regional plan where more than one county is included. Any county under 500,000 served by the Northeastern Illinois Metropolitan Area Planning Commission shall submit a regional plan for their review. |
55 ILCS 5/5-15007 Through 5/5-15014
These sections establish the legal authority to maintain, fill and regulate any ditch, drain, sewer, river water course, pond, lake creek or natural stream and to construct water and drainage facilities as needed to provide for the protection, reclamation or irrigation of the land. The county board may regulate the disposal of sewage, refuse, and any other waste within its borders, except municipal waste. The country board may create a solid waste committee and implement a solid waste plan. The County board may enter into agreements to control destructive flooding and provide for construction and maintenance of sewers. |
55 ILCS 5/5-32001
This section provides the legal authority to make certain local improvements outside a municipality including “Streets, avenues, lanes, or alleys, sidewalks, or other public places or parts thereof” whenever the public necessity requires such improvement. |
55 ILCS 65/4
This section establishes the legal authority for cemetery trustees to have property surveyed, platted and conveyed or acquired. The trustees may establish the depth of graves. |
55 ILCS 125/5, 125/10 & 125/11
These sections require the county to obtain original field notes and plats of United States surveys of land in the county. These original field notes and surveys shall be transferred to the Secretary of State for retention. Copies shall be retained by the county surveyor and shall be available for public inspection. |