70 ILCS 405/22.1
This section establishes the legal authority for soil and water conservation districts to conduct surveys investigation, resound and create comprehensive plans for the conservation of soil and water resources. The district with approval of the department may publish such plans and information. |
70 ILCS 605/2-1 Through 605/2-8
These sections are from the “Illinois Drainage Code.” Generally, these sections set forth the legal rights and responsibility relating to drainage issues |
70 ILCS 805/5 Through 805/6
These sections are from the “Downstate Forest Preserve District Act.” These sections establish the legal authority of the forest preserve district to acquire lands, establish forest preserves, acquire land for roadway and other incidental uses and make all improvements necessary to operate a forest preserve, including roadways. However, certain authority of the forest preserve shall be subject to the consent of a municipality where the forest preserve district operates. |
70 ILCS 810/8, 810/8.1 & 810/38
These sections are from the “Cook County Forest Preserve District Act.” These sections establish the legal certainly for forest preserve districts to acquire lands and make improvements necessary to operate a forest preserve, including roadways. Forest preserve land is not subject to eminent domain or condemnation. |
70 ILCS 1205/3-1 Through 1f-14
These sections establish the legal authority to disconnect certain territory from a park district when that territory has been annexed into a municipality that operates two or more park areas. The circuit court may approve a disconnection of territory upon written petition signed by two thirds of the owners of record after such territory meets certain statutory requirements. |
70 ILCS 1205/3-10.1
This section establishes the legal authority for a park district to annex territory which is separated from district property only by a forest preserve district. |
70 ILCS 1205/7-3 Through 1205/11.1-5
These sections are from the “Park District Code.” These sections establish the legal authority for special assessments by the park district and general corporate powers of park district including holding property, make contracts, establish rules and regulations, adopt ordinances, establish fees and manage and control officers and property among other power and duties. |
70 ILCS 1310/1, 1310/2 & 1310/5
These sections provide the legal authority to the park district board to acquire property for roadway improvements or rough through eminent domain. |
70 ILCS 1805/4 Through 1870/15
These sections come from the various Port District Acts, including Alexander-Cairo Port District Act, Havana Regional Port District Act, Heart of Illinois Regional Port District Act, Illinois International Port District Act, Illinois Valley Regional Port District Act, Jackson-Union Counties Regional Port District Act, Joliet Regional Port District Act, Kaskaskia Regional Port District Act, Massac-Metropolis Port District Act, Mid-America Intermodal Authority Port District Act, Mt. Carmel Regional Port District Act, Ottawa Port District Act, Seneca Regional Port District Act, Shawneetown Regional Port District Act, Southwest Regional Port District Act, America's Central Port District Act, Upper Mississippi River International Port District Act, Waukegan Port District Act, and the White County Port District Act. Generally, these sections establish the legal authority of the various port authority districts including eminent domain, acquisition and sale of property, financing and leasing among other powers and duties. |
70 ILCS 2205/15 Through All Remaining Sections
Related Acts, including the Sanitary District Act of 1907, North Shore Sanitary District Act, Sanitary District (1917 Act) Bond Act and Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act. Generally, these sections establish the legal authority of sanitary districts, including eminent domain, acquisition and sale of property, financing and leasing among other powers and duties. |
70 ILCS 2405/23.2
This section establishes legal authority for any sanitary district (organized under the Sanitary District Act of 1917) to annex territory that is contiguous even if the property is dedicated for street or highway proposes provided such territory is not located within another sanitary district. |
70 ILCS 2605/11.4
This section establishes legal authority for a sanitary district to enter into certain contracts without competitive bidding. These contracts include professional services, purchase or sale of utilities, single source contracts, real estate leases, purchase or surplus supplies from any federal, state or local government unit or agency and employment contracts. |
70 ILCS 2805/32a.2
This section establishes legal authority for any sanitary district (organized under the Sanitary District Act of 1936) to annex territory that is contiguous even if the property is dedicated for street or highway purposes provided such territory is not located within another sanitary district. |